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What Does It Mean to Be an Invalid

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[ in-vuh-lid; British in-vuh-leed ]

/ ˈɪn və lɪd; British ˈɪn vəˌlid /

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an infirm or sickly person.

a person who is too sick or weak to care for himself or herself: My father was an invalid the last x years of his life.

Archaic. a member of the armed forces disabled for active service.


unable to care for oneself due to infirmity or disability: his invalid sis.

of or for invalids: invalid diets.

(of things) in poor or weakened status: the invalid country of his rocking chair.

verb (used with object)

to bear on with disease; make an invalid: He was invalided for life.

to remove from or allocate as not able to perform active service, as an invalid.

British. to remove or evacuate (military personnel) from an active theater of operations because of injury or illness.

verb (used without object) Archaic.



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Origin of invalid


1635–45; <French invalide<Latin invalidus weak. Run across in-3, valid

Words nearby invalid

invade, invaginable, invaginate, invagination, in vain, invalid, invalidate, invalidism, invalidity, invalidity benefit, invaluable

Other definitions for invalid (2 of two)

invalid two

[ in-val-id ]

/ ɪnˈvæl ɪd /

describing word

not valid; without force or foundation; indefensible.

deficient in substance or cogency; weak.

void or without legal force, as a contract.

Origin of invalid


1625–35; <Medieval Latin invalidus,Latin: weak; run into invalidane


in·val·id·ly, adverb in·val·id·ness, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random Business firm, Inc. 2022

How to utilise invalid in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for invalid (1 of ii)


  1. a person suffering from disablement or chronic ill wellness
  2. (every bit modifier) an invalid chair

describing word

suffering from or disabled by injury, sickness, etc

verb (tr)

to cause to become an invalid; disable

(normally foll by out; oft passive) mainly British to crave (a member of the military machine) to retire from active service through wounds or illness

Derived forms of invalid

invalidity, substantive

Word Origin for invalid

C17: from Latin invalidus infirm, from in- ane + validus strong

usage for invalid

It is all-time to avert using the term invalid when referring to people with chronic illnesses or disabilities

British Dictionary definitions for invalid (ii of ii)


not valid; having no cogency or legal forcefulness

logic (of an argument) having a decision that does not follow from the premises: it may be false when the premises are all truthful; non valid

Derived forms of invalid

invalidity (ˌɪnvəˈlɪdɪtɪ) or invalidness, substantive invalidly, adverb

Word Origin for invalid

C16: from Medieval Latin invalidus without legal force; see invalid one

Collins English language Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for invalid


One who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or disability.


Incapacitated by illness or injury.

The American Heritage® Stedman'southward Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 past Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
