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What Are You Not Allowed to Take on a Plane?

Photo Courtesy: David McBee/Pexels

When you're upwards in an airplane, you likely don't notice exactly how you go from point A to bespeak B. Get out that up to the pilots. Luckily for everyone, they know that part of keeping passengers safe is steering articulate of no-fly zones.

No-wing zones are areas where aircraft aren't allowed to be. Flying into them tin cause a lot of problems. Some no-fly zones are obvious and be for security or safety reasons, but others might surprise you.

Area 51

The airspace brake over Area 51 is unlimited, significant no shipping, whether military, commercial or civilian aircraft, may travel through the area at any elevation short of outer space itself. Perhaps merely off of Earth's boundaries is where the UFO'southward hover. Expanse 51'south airspace is more restricted than even the upper-case letter's.

Photo Courtesy: EliasSch/Pixabay

Surface area 51 is a highly classified and mysterious piece of land. Information technology became famous in 1947 when a recovered alien spaceship was rumored to be stored there. The government says the expanse is and so exclusive because they test new armed forces engineering there, but some people believe otherwise.

Usa Disney Parks

Airplanes cannot get inside 3,000 feet above both of Disney's parks in the United states of america — Disneyworld and Disneyland. These restrictions began after the 9/xi attacks, but they didn't become permanent until 2003. These places concenter as well many big crowds as well frequently, so they were fabricated into a no-fly zone to deter terrorism..

Photo Courtesy: Matt Clare/Flickr

The no-fly zone over Disney parks means small planes with tow banners are non immune. This has caused some small-scale controversy, as a Christian group wanted to utilize the airspace for that purpose on Disney'southward unofficial "Gay Days" as a form of protest.

Machu Picchu

I of the well-nigh renowned historical sites in the world is Machu Picchu, a former citadel of the Incan Empire. In 2006, the government of Peru began banning airplanes from flight over it for safety reasons. Effectually 2,500 tourists visit this UNESCO world heritage site daily.

Photo Courtesy: Rodolfo pimentel/Wikimedia Eatables

In addition to ensuring the safety of tourists and the ruins themselves, the ban also aims to protect the area'southward wildlife, much of which is quite rare. It's not only the airspace around Machu Picchu that is protected either. In order to enter the site by pes, tourists must get a permit.


Tibet is a strict no-fly zone, but not for the reason you might remember. Its superlative at xvi,000 feet means it isn't safe for aircraft to wing over information technology. While commercial aircraft fly well above this range, the margin for error is slim to none hither, making it hazardous airspace.

Photo Courtesy: Matt Ming/Flickr

The no-fly zone is actually much wider than Tibet alone. It covers the entire area of the Himalayas. The mountains are too high, making emergency protocols inoperable. Plus, the weather over these mountains can exist unpredictable, making it hard to fly.

Washington, D.C.

After ix/xi, the US capital letter's airspace became some of the virtually restricted in the world. The entire majuscule is pretty much off-limits to shipping flying at 18,000 feet and below. At that place is an outer boundary that allows shipping that have been identified and cleared to pass overhead, but that's it.

Photo Courtesy: Rudi Riet/Flickr

Inside of that outer boundary is Reagan International Aerodrome, which has a flying restricted zone of fifteen nautical miles around it. They take it seriously, too. Once, a Cessna 150 aircraft was five miles from entering the zone when information technology was warned by F-16 fighter jets with flares non to enter.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is not only a historical landmark in the United kingdom, but too where the monarch resides when in town. The building serves as the unabridged monarchy's headquarters. It's such an important place that the airspace above the palace has been established equally a no-fly zone to keep information technology secure.

Photo Courtesy: clarbner/Pixabay

The site receives 50,000 visitors a twelvemonth. These visits include ordinary tourists but also high-profile visitors. Equally such, at that place'south fifty-fifty more reason to keep the palace protected from harm.

Kennedy Space Center

It should come up every bit no surprise that the airspace over NASA's Kennedy Space Middle and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Florida'south Merritt Isle constitute a no-wing zone up to 5,000 feet. When rockets are launching, the restricted airspace is sometimes adapted from 5,000 feet to unlimited.

Photo Courtesy: NASA

The abundance of armed forces and NASA activity in the expanse means airspace across the whole isle is off-limits to civilian and commercial air traffic. Civilians like to come to watch the rocket launches, only the best they'll ever get is a ground view.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1983. Built between 1632 and 1653, it's probable the almost recognized work of Indian architecture in the globe. A no-wing zone was established in its airspace in 2006 past the Indian regime to brand sure the edifice and the huge crowds of visitors it draws every year remain safe.

Photo Courtesy: Asitjain/Wikimedia Commons

The restrictions as well bans drones, although it seems this may not exist clear to tourists. Recently, drones accept been spotted flight around the Taj Mahal, so local police are working to build tourist awareness that this is strictly prohibited.


The whole city of Budapest isn't off-limits for air traffic — it'due south only the ancient inner city of Pest and the Buda Hills, much of which are a UNESCO world heritage site. These areas are dwelling to the Hungarian Parliament Building, St. Stephen's Basilica and Buda Castle. The Hungarian Parliament Building specifically requires the strict no-fly zone for security reasons.

Photo Courtesy: Jorge Franganillo/Flickr

The Hungarian government established the airspace ban over the other ii famous landmarks besides for security and too as to protect these frequented areas. Many crowds of tourists visit these gorgeous historic sites twelvemonth-round.


Paris is a no-fly zone for drones simply. For other aircraft, Paris' airspace is open. The French drone laws are strict, and enforcement has gotten stricter because of the number of drones used for leisure purposes. The intention is to protect the city, residents, visitors and landmarks.

Photograph Courtesy: dnovac/Pixabay

No public or private areas of Paris allow the use of drones, as they are potential weapons. Punishments for using drones in Paris include fines upward to 45,000€ fine and six months imprisonment. Anyone using a drone in Paris is subject to the drone laws.


Cuba does non accept restricted airspace specifically, simply whatsoever unscheduled strange aircraft are banned from entering Cuban airspace unless the government permits entry beforehand. The Cuban armed forces takes this ban seriously and does not hesitate to take down aircraft that violate their rules.

Photo Courtesy: GregMontani/Pixabay

Furthermore, as of June 2019, the The states Bureau of Industry and Security has banned all private U.s.a. aircraft from traveling to Cuba. This determination was made solely by the US government for undisclosed reasons. Commercial US flights to Cuba are however immune.

Lionel Messi's Firm

How is it possible that a soccer player got the airspace nigh his house restricted? As information technology turns out, he wasn't the one to do information technology. The expanse, Castelldefels, is a protected ecology region in Espana. Lionel Messi's domicile just happens to be shut past.

Photograph Courtesy: Agencia de Noticias ANDES – ECUADOR VS ARGENTINA/Wikimedia Commons

Not long ago, the upkeep Castilian airline Vueling called Messi out for keeping Barcelona's drome from expanding considering of his no-fly zone. Once the misunderstanding was cleared upwards, they apologized to the Argentinian soccer star who has helped bring Barcelona'southward team to the summit.

Camp David

Army camp David has been a presidential retreat and meeting spot since FDR. Located in Maryland, the compound — technically named the Naval Support Facility Thurmont — oftentimes hosts presidents and their families forth with other high-contour guests. It'due south a high-profile spot, which means they can't just have random aircraft flight over it.

Photo Courtesy: The White House/Wikimedia Eatables

As such, Campsite David's airspace has a no-fly zone of three miles around information technology. When important global deals are beingness brokered, the VIP'southward within can focus on the matters at hand knowing the airspace up to five,000 feet above them is gratis of threats.

The Super Bowl

A temporary no-fly zone during Super Bowls is e'er instated to protect the huge crowds that attend. The restricted airspace generally applies to a roughly xxx-mile radius around the stadium where the Super Bowl is beingness held.

Photo Courtesy: Vocalization of America/Wikimedia Commons

Armed services, law enforcement and medevac shipping are permitted during the temporary ban, but that'due south it. Fifty-fifty drones are not allowed to operate in the area unless they take been granted prior permission by the FAA. It as well isn't only the Super Bowl that enacts a no-fly dominion. Many major sporting events bring the same temporary flight restrictions equally well.

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

In 1948, President Harry Truman signed an executive social club stating that the pristine, 1000000-acre wilderness in Minnesota along the Canadian edge known as the Purlieus Waters was a no-wing zone. To this day, planes cannot fly lower than four,000 feet over it.

Photo Courtesy: ericdeluca/Pixabay

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is dwelling house to glacial canyons, near 1,200 lakes and the kind of stillness that nature lovers dream of. Rightfully so, Truman wanted it to remain idyllic forever.


Most commercial airlines cannot fly over Antarctica for several reasons. During the Reagan administration, the FAA created a rule that twin-engine aircraft can only wing where in that location is an airfield within hour. This is for safety reasons in case of emergencies. As such, Antarctica is basically a no-fly zone.

Photograph Courtesy: bhart9070/Pixabay

Aside from that, the weather in Antarctica makes it unsafe for flight. White-outs are a mutual occurrence, which puts aircraft in unnecessary danger. Furthermore, flight near the poles causes problems with navigational equipment, which is dangerous for airplanes for obvious reasons.

The Bush Family Compound

The expanse of Walker's Point Peninsula located in southern Maine houses the Bush family compound in a town called Kennebunkport. This house has been in the Bush family for over 100 years, and flying over it is not immune.

Photo Courtesy: Tony Fischer/Flickr

Information technology makes sense that air traffic over the surface area is restricted seeing that it used to be the summer home of sometime President George H.W. Bush-league. The Bush-league family still makes frequent visits. The chemical compound has as well hosted and continues to host many of import figures, including Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Portlaoise Prison in Ireland

The Portlaoise Prison in Ireland is a maximum-security prison house that was built in the 1830s. It is ane of the oldest prisons in Ireland, and the complex is at present a strict no-fly zone. No aircraft of whatsoever kind, including drones, are immune in its airspace.

Photograph Courtesy: Tony Hisgett/Flickr

This rule was created after an attempted escape by an inmate involving a helicopter brought in by a friend. The Portlaoise Prison doesn't want other criminals, specially with ties to large illegal organizations, to attempt and indistinguishable this feat.

The Tower of Silence in Mumbai, India

The Tower of Silence in Mumbai, India is a circular structure designed for expressionless bodies to be eaten by scavenger birds. Originally, this was a spiritual ritual dating dorsum to around 5 BC to keep expiry from being exposed to the sacred elements of globe and fire. It continues today.

Photo Courtesy: Parastoo.Atrsaei/Wikimedia Commons

Today, the Belfry of Silence is a no-fly zone. The spiritual excarnation of the bodies ways that they should not be exposed to whatsoever external elements in the air other than the sunday, which is why the airspace restriction was put in place.

George Washington's Firm

The logic behind restricting planes from flying closer than 1500 feet above George Washington's house in Mount Vernon is to prevent damage. The wooden house, built betwixt 1758 and 1778, is already not in the all-time condition due to its historic period.

Photograph Courtesy: Aj200224/Wikimedia Commons

The vibrations from an aeroplane could potentially cause damage to the house. As such, the airspace above George Washington'southward former habitation, is virtually off-limits. Fifty-fifty aerial photography to become photos of the building is rarely permitted.

Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel

In the Old City of Jerusalem is a plaza surrounded by brick walls. Inside the walls is Temple Mountain, a holy site for practitioners of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The entire area of the Old City is a strict no-fly zone. All aircraft are forbidden in this airspace at any height.

Photograph Courtesy: brionv/Flickr

There are a total of 11 gates of entry into Temple Mount, although x tin can only exist used by Muslims. Based on the heavy security of the expanse, information technology makes sense that the airspace higher up it should also be highly restricted.

The Parthenon

The Parthenon was congenital at the pinnacle of the Athenian Empire'south power, between 447 BC and 432 BC, in Athens, Greece. It was a temple to the Greek goddess Athena. Miraculously, the ruins of this structure still exist today. Unsurprisingly, air traffic is prohibited below 5,000 feet around the Parthenon.

Photo Courtesy: George E. Koronaios/Wikimedia Eatables

Aircraft coming and going from Athens' international airport are included in this ban, also as drones. The restricted airspace above this historical landmark exists to protect the construction and the huge crowds of tourists that visit each year.

Pantex Nuclear Facility

The airspace to a higher place the high-security, nuclear Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas is a no-fly zone. The mission of the establish is to make sure the U.s.' stockpile of nuclear weapons is safe, reliable and secure. Part of doing that ways not allowing airplanes to fly over information technology.

Photo Courtesy: LibreShot

The Pantex Plant is responsible for dismantling excess nuclear weapons likewise as keeping a close tape of others. The plant also houses missiles from the Cold War era. Bated from being a no-fly zone, the Pantex Plant itself is off-limits to the public.

Finland'south Nuclear Power Plants

Finland has 2 nuclear ability plant facilities located in Olkiluoto and Loviisa. Their airspace is restricted below 6,500 feet inside about a two-mile radius of the plants. The idea behind these no-fly zones is the protection of the reactors within the plants.

Photo Courtesy: x1klima/Flickr

Finland's nuclear power plants are not the merely ones with restricted airspace. In 2001, afterward the 9/11 attacks, the FAA announced that all pilots should avoid the airspace higher up nuclear power plants, dams and other such complexes throughout the United States.

Naval Base Kitsap

Naval Base Kitsap is located near Seattle, across Elliott Bay. It is the largest naval facility in the Northwest and the third-largest in the US. Information technology maintains submarines, ships and ballistic missiles. Because of these factors, it has been established as a no-wing zone for security reasons.

Photo Courtesy: Official U.S. Navy Page/Flickr

Naval Base Kitsap is young. It was created in 2004 by merging two other nearby naval bases. Aircraft are forbidden from flying over the base lower than 3,000 feet, and drones were added to the list afterward several violations.

Bush Ranch

Right outside of Crawford, Texas lies the Bush-league family ranch, known as Prairie Chapel Ranch. George W. Bush-league is the electric current owner and has been since the tardily 1990s. In contempo years, the ranch has been established as a no-fly zone, since aside from the Bush family, many foreign dignitaries also visit the identify.

Photograph Courtesy: Official Whitehouse Photographer/Wikimedia Commons

The Texas ranch has also been dubbed the "Western White House" because of all the VIP traffic it gets. Laura Bush finished its structure in 2001, and it has since been a lovely and secluded getaway for the Bush family and their guests.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, has several large no-fly zones. Constitution Avenue in Northeast Islamabad is off-limits to all aircraft, including drones because of the presence of the Parliament House, the residences of the president and prime number minister, the Supreme Courtroom and various nuclear labs and complexes.

Photo Courtesy: Zacharie Grossen/Wikimedia Eatables

The no-fly zone over this section of Islamabad is designed to protect government buildings, officials and nuclear facilities from potential threats. Ongoing tension in the Center East makes these airspace restrictions of particular importance.

Colombo City, Sri Lanka

The airspace around Sri Lankan territory and territorial waters was alleged an air defense force identification zone in 2007. Since then, prohibited or restricted areas inside that zone are banned for aircraft. The just exception is if air defence force clearance from the Sri Lanka Air Force has been given prior to entering.

Photo Courtesy: Rehman Abubakr/Wikimedia Commons

In Colombo Metropolis, 1 nautical mile around the Parliament building is a completely restricted airspace. The unfortunate 2019 Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka have now led to an indefinite ban on all drones throughout the state without a allow.

Hungary'south National Parks

The skies above all of the National Parks in Republic of hungary, every bit well as a couple of holiday resorts, are restricted airspace. This is part of the land's conservation effort. The airspace restrictions began in 1996 on behalf of the Hungarian government.

Photograph Courtesy: Horvabe/Wikimedia Commons

The government does this to maintain harmony betwixt man and nature, specifically past keeping air traffic far from Hungary's National Parks will help. Hungary finds cracking value in nature, so the land takes its conservation efforts seriously, including its no-fly zones.

Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay

The US Navy Atlantic Fleet houses its nuclear-powered Trident submarines at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay. Shipping are not immune to wing over the surface area below 3,000 feet. Additionally, the base is home to guided missiles and ballistic submarines also as the Strategic Weapons Facility Atlantic.

Photo Courtesy: Official U.S. Navy Page/Flickr

The base maintains, overhauls and modernizes the fleet and its weapons. Missiles are besides manufactured at the site, making it all the more than important to keep the public and potential terrorists away.
